February 22, 2025
New Delhi

BTech Computer Science Syllabus: Year-wise, Subjects and Books

BTech Computer Science Syllabus

BTech Computer Science is a full-time, four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering and eight semesters. The core subjects cover Operating Systems, Analysis of Algorithms, Programming Languages, Microprocessors, Cryptography, and Network Security. In addition to the core subjects, the Btech Computer Science Syllabus offers elective topics such as Software Reliability, VLSI Design, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Datamining, Parallel Algorithms, and Robotics.

These elective subjects are explored in labs like the Engineering Practices Lab, Digital Electronics & Logic Design Lab, Compiler Design Lab, and Web Technology Lab.

Btech Computer Science Syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of technology, preparing students for diverse roles in the dynamic field of computer science. The elective subjects offer specialization opportunities, allowing students to tailor their education to specific interests within the broader realm of computer science.

Btech Computer Science Year-wise Syllabus

The BTech Computer Science syllabus is organized by year, detailing the subjects and topics covered each year. This structured curriculum guides students through their studies in a systematic manner.

1st Year Btech in Computer Science Subjects:

  • English
  • Applied Physics
  • Mathematics I
  • Computers and Information Technology
  • Engineering Drawing Practice
  • Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
  • C & Data Structures

  2nd Year Btech in Computer Science Subjects:

  • Computer Organization
  • Electrical Technology
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Operating Systems
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Interfacing Through Microprocessors
  • Data Communications
  • Operations Research
  • Theory of Computation
  • System Programming
  • Principles of Programming Languages

3rd Year Btech Computer Science Subject:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Neuro-Fuzzy
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Database Information System
  • Data Mining
  • Computer Network

Btech Computer Science Subjects  4th Year:

  • Software Engineering
  • Java Programming
  • Distributed Systems
  • Image Processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Visual Programming
  • Simulation and Modeling
  • Mobile Computing
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Formal Languages and Automata Theory
  • Project Management
  • Computer Communication

Btech Computer Science Subjects

In BTech Computer Science, subjects include core studies, elective courses, and practical lab sessions. Core subjects form the foundation, electives offer choice, and lab subjects provide hands-on learning experiences for a well-rounded education.

   Btech Computer Science Core Subjects

  • Operating System: Learn the fundamental principles and functions of operating systems that manage computer hardware and software resources.
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Explore the creation and analysis of algorithms, essential for solving complex computational problems efficiently.
  • Microprocessor: Understand the architecture and functioning of microprocessors, the heart of computer systems, responsible for processing instructions.
  • Programming Languages: Dive into various programming languages, gaining proficiency in writing code and solving problems through structured and efficient programming.
  • Cryptography and Network Security: Explore the techniques and protocols ensuring secure communication over networks, emphasizing data protection and privacy.
  • Performance Evaluation: Learn methods to assess and enhance the performance of computer systems, analyzing and optimizing their efficiency and responsiveness.

B.Tech Computer Science Elective Subjects

  • Software Reliability: Learn methods to ensure software functions well and avoids frequent breakdowns.
  • VLSI Design: Explore creating intricate electronic circuits on a single chip.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Dive into smart machines and algorithms emulating human-like behavior.
  • Data Analytics: Grasp understanding and utilization of large datasets for decision-making.
  • Robotics: Engage in building and designing robots using computer science and engineering.
  • Parallel Algorithms: Implement algorithms executing tasks simultaneously for quicker computing.
  • Data Mining: Extract valuable insights and patterns from extensive datasets.
  • Cloud Computing: Understand utilizing the internet for adaptable and scalable computing solutions.

B.Tech Computer Science  Lab Subject 

  • Data Structures & Algorithms Lab: Explore and practice fundamental concepts related to organizing and processing data efficiently.
  • Communication Skills Lab: Enhance your verbal and written communication skills essential for professional success.
  • Networking Lab: Gain hands-on experience in designing, implementing, and managing computer networks.
  • Compiler Design Lab: Dive into the creation and optimization of compilers, crucial for translating code into machine-readable language.
  • Computer Programming Lab: Develop practical coding skills and apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems.
  • Engineering Practices Lab: Engage in practical exercises to understand engineering principles and their applications.
  • Digital Electronics & Logic Design Lab: Learn and implement digital circuit design and logic principles.
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab: Gain practical insights into the design and functionality of microprocessors and microcontrollers.

Btech Computer Science Syllabus In Top Colleges

Explore the B.Tech Computer Science Subjects syllabus in leading colleges, diving into key subjects and practical skills. Master coding, algorithms, and more for a comprehensive tech education.

AKTU Btech Computer Science Subjects 

AKTU BTech Computer Science subjects cover a range of topics, including programming, algorithms, and electronics, preparing students for a career in computer science and technology.

Semester ISemester II
EnglishMathematics II
Applied PhysicsData Processing
Mathematics IDiscrete Structures
Computers and Information TechnologyLinear and Digital ICs Applications
Engineering Drawing PracticeLogic Theory
Semiconductor Devices and CircuitsManagerial Economics and Accountancy
C & Data StructuresIC Application
Semester IIISemester IV
Engineering Science Course/Maths IVMaths IV/Engg. Science Course
Technical Communication/Universal Human ValuesUniversal Human Values/ Technical Communication
Data StructureOperating Systems
Computer Organization and ArchitectureTheory of Automata and Formal Languages
Discrete Structures & Theory of LogicMicroprocessor
Semester VSemester VI
Integrated Circuit DesignDigital Communication
Digital Signal ProcessingControl System
Database Management SystemDesign and Analysis of Algorithm
Department Elective-IDepartment Elective–III
Department Elective-IIOpen Elective-I
Semester VIISemester VII
HSMC -1 / HSMC-2HSMC-1 # /HSMC-2 #
Departmental Elective-IVOpen Elective-III
Departmental Elective-VOpen Elective-IV
Open Elective-IIProject 1

IIT Bombay Btech Computer Science Subjects 

IIT Bombay BTech Computer Science subjects cover calculus, programming, algorithms, and more, providing a solid foundation for a career in computer science and engineering.

Semester ISemester II
CalculusLinear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations
Chemistry IModern Physics
Introduction to computer programmingData Analysis and Interpretation
EconomicsAbstractions and Paradigms in Programming
Chemistry LabPhysics Lab
Workshop PracticeAbstractions and Paradigms in Programming Lab
Engineering Graphics and Drawing
Semester IIISemester IV
Numerical AnalysisEnvironmental Studies
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic CircuitsAutomata Theory and Logic
Discrete StructuresDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
Data Structures and AlgorithmsLogic Design
Experimentation and Measurement LabSoftware Systems Lab
Data Structures and Algorithms LabLogic Design Lab
Semester VSemester VI
Literature/Philosophy/Psychology/SociologyArtificial Intelligence
Computer ArchitectureImplementation of Programming Languages
Operating SystemsComputer Networks
Database and Information SystemsArtificial Intelligence Lab
Database and Information Systems LabImplementation of Programming Languages Lab
Computer Architecture LabComputer Networks Lab
Operating Systems Lab
Semester VIISemester VIII
Elective 1Elective 4
Elective 2Elective 5
Elective 3Elective 6
Institute Elective 1Institute Elective 2

LPU BTech Computer Science Subjects 

LPU BTech Computer Science subjects include programming, algorithms, computer architecture, and more, preparing students for diverse roles in the field of computer science and technology.

Semester ISemester II
Manufacturing ProcessesApplied Physics II
Applied Physics IApplied Mathematics II
Applied Mathematics IElectronic devices
Human Values and Professional Ethics-IIntroduction to Programming
Fundamentals of ComputingEngineering Mechanics
Applied ChemistryCommunication skills, environmental skills
Semester IIISemester IV
Applied Mathematics IIIApplied Mathematics IV
Foundation of Computer ScienceComputer Organization and Architecture
Switching Theory and Logic DesignTheory of Computation
Circuits and SystemsDatabase Management Systems
Computer Graphics and MultimediaObject Oriented Programming
Data StructureCommunication Systems
Semester VSemester VI
Algorithms Design and AnalysisCompiler Design
Software EngineeringOperating Systems
Java ProgrammingComputer Networks
Industrial ManagementWeb Technology
Digital CommunicationArtificial Intelligence
Communication Skills for ProfessionalsMicroprocessor and Microcontroller
Semester VIISemester VIII
Information SecurityMobile Computing
Software Testing and Quality AssuranceMachine Learning
Software Testing and Quality AssuranceHuman Values and Professional Ethics-II

PTU  BTech Computer Science Subjects 

PTU BTech Computer Science subjects cover programming, data structures, algorithms, and system design, offering students a comprehensive foundation for a successful career in computer science.

Semester ISemester II
Semiconductor PhysicsChemistry-I
Basic Electrical EngineeringProgramming for Problem Solving
Engineering Graphics & DesignWorkshop / Manufacturing Practices
Mentoring and Professional DevelopmentEnglish
Mentoring and Professional Development
Semester IIISemester IV
Digital ElectronicsDiscrete Mathematics
Data Structure & AlgorithmsComputer Organization & Architecture
Object Oriented ProgrammingOperating Systems
Mathematics-IIIDesign & Analysis of Algorithms
Foundation Course in Humanities (Development of Societies/Philosophy)Universal Human Values
IT WorkshopEnvironmental Sciences
Summer Institutional Training
Semester VSemester VI
Database Management SystemsCompiler Design
Formal Language & Automata TheoryArtificial Intelligence
Software EngineeringElective-III
Computer NetworksElective-IV
Elective-IOpen Elective-I
Semester VIISemester VIII
Elective-VSocial Network Analysis
Elective-VICyber Attacks
Open Elective-IIDeep Learning
Open Elective- IIIProject-III
Machine Learning

SRM  BTech Computer Science Subjects 

SRM BTech Computer Science subjects encompass programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and advanced topics, equipping students with essential skills for a thriving career in technology.

Semester ISemester II
Soft Skills IEnglish
Value EducationSoft Skills Ii
Programming Using MatlabAdvanced Calculus And Complex Analysis
Calculus And Solid GeometryMaterial Science
Biology For EngineersPrinciples Of Environmental Science
Basic Civil EngineeringBasic Mechanical Engineering
Basic Electrical EngineeringBasic Electronics Engineering
Computer Hardware Annd Troubleshooting LabEngineering Graphics
Programming Language Design And C Programming
Semester IIISemester IV
Aptitude IV
Second phase of learning German, French, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese languages. 
AptitudeElectron Devices
Electric CircuitsData Structures & Algorithm Design
Object Oriented ProgrammingComputer Organization & Architecture
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design along with Microprocessor and Interfacing.Computer Skills
Initial phase of learning German, French, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese languages.Data Structures & Algorithms Lab
Microprocessor & Interfacing LabComputer Networks Lab
Semester VSemester VI
Aptitude IIIAptitute IV
Discrete MathematicsStatistical And Numerical Methods
Communication TheoryControl System Engineering
Operating SystemsSoftware Engineering
Theory Of ComputationSystem Software & Compiler
Database Management SystemsDesign
Industrial TrainingMinor Project
Operating Systems LabOpen Elective Ii, Open Elective Iii
Database Management Systems LabSystem Software & Compiler Design
Semester VIISemester VIII
Management For EngineersMajor Project / Practice School
Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems
Web Technology
Industrial Training
Dep. Elective Iv, Dep. Elective V
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Lab
Web Technology Lab

Btech Computer Science Entrance Syllabus 

The JEE Mains syllabus is outlined below and is widely recognized as the most popular entrance exam for BTech CSE.

JEE Mains: Chemistry Syllabus 

Section A: Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts in ChemistryStates of Matte
Atomic StructureChemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chemical ThermodynamicsSolutions
EquilibriumRedox Reactions and Electrochemistry
Chemical KineticsSurface Chemistry
Section B: Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesBasic steps and methods for separating metals.
HydrogenBlock Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)
Environmental ChemistryCoordination Compounds
d-and-f Block ElementsP-Block Elements

JEE Mains: Physics

Section A: Theory
Physics and MeasurementKinematics
Laws of MotionWork, Energy, and Power
Rotational MotionGravitation
Properties of Solids and LiquidsThermodynamics
Kinetic Theory of GasesOscillations and Waves
ElectrostaticsCurrent Electricity
Magnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Electromagnetic WavesOptics
Dual Nature of Matter and RadiationAtoms and Nuclei
Electronic DevicesCommunication Systems
Section B: Practical
Experimental Skills

JEE Mains: Mathematics Syllabus 

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsComplex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
Matrices and DeterminantsPermutations and Combinations
Mathematical InductionBinomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications
Sequences and SeriesLimit Continuity, and Differentiability
Integral CalculusDifferential Equations
Coordinate GeometryThree Dimensional Geometry
Vectoral AlgebraStatistics and Probability
TrigonometryMathematical Reasoning

Btech Computer Science Syllabus Books  

In BTech Computer Science, students read different books each year. The first year is basics, the second year goes deeper, the third year covers advanced topics, and the fourth year focuses on specialized subjects.

Btech Computer Science Subjects First Year Books

For the first year of BTech Computer Science, students typically study subjects like English, Physics, Mathematics, and Programming, using prescribed books for a comprehensive understanding.

Book NameAuthor Name
Mathematical MethodsP.B.Bhaskara Rao, S.K.V.S. Rama Chary, M.Bhujanga Rao
Applied PhysicsP.K.Palanisamy
Computer ArchitectureHennessey and Patterson.
Data StructuresThomas Cormen
Textbook of Engineering ChemistryC.P. Murthy, C.V. Agarwal, A. Naidu
C Programming & Data StructuresE. Balagurusamy, TMH
Engineering DrawingN.D. Bhat, Charotar.

 Btech Computer Science Subjects Second Year Books

In the second year of BTech Computer Science, students delve into subjects like Data Structures, Algorithms, and Computer Organization, using recommended books for in-depth knowledge.

Book NameAuthor Name
Data structure using CG.S.Baluja
Computer organizationMorriss Mano
Electronic engineeringalex sender
Discrete mathematicsS.CHAND
Softwar engineeringKK. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh
Operating systems ConceptsAvi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne

 Btech Computer Science Subjects Third Year  Books

In the third year of BTech Computer Science, students explore advanced subjects such as Artificial Intelligence, Database Management, and Networking, referring to recommended books for comprehensive understanding.

Book NameAuthor Name
Computer Graphics: Principles and PracticeJames D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John Hughes
Fundamentals of Computer GraphicsPeter Shirley
Compiler DesignAnany V. Levitin
Artificial IntelligencePatrick Henry Winston
Internet and Web TechnologiesRaj Kamal

 Btech Computer Science Subjects Fourth Year  Books

In the fourth year of BTech Computer Science, students delve into specialized areas like Cloud Computing and Machine Learning, using recommended books for in-depth knowledge and practical applications.

Book NameAuthor Name
Cloud Computing: A Practical ApproachAnthony T.Velte. Toby J.VeFte, Robert Elsenpeter. Tata McGraw Hill
Digital Image ProcessingWilliam K. Prati -John Wiley edition.
Embedded SystemsRaj Kamal, TMH
Enterprise Cloud ComputingGautam Shroif
JAVA Enterprise Design Patterns Vol – IIIMark Grand, Wiley Dream TECH.
Unix for programmers and users, 3rd EditionGraham Glass, King Ables, Pearson.
Beginning Linux Programming, 4th EditionN.Matthew, R.Stones, Wrox, Wiley India Edition


In conclusion, the BTech Computer Science Subjects are diverse and comprehensive, covering fundamental and advanced topics. This program equips students with practical skills and knowledge for a successful career in the dynamic tech industry. With a focus on hands-on learning, the BTech Computer Science Subjects prepare students for real-world challenges, providing a solid foundation in engineering and technology. Aspiring professionals can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of computer science with confidence, making this program a valuable choice for those seeking a fulfilling and impactful career.

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